Important Astrological Aspects 2025
January 28 Venus Retrograde in Shadow-Venus Retrogrades Mar 1-Apr 12 & leaves shadow May 16
Feb 4 Venus enters Aries & Mars goes direct
Feb 12 Full moon in Leo 8:53am ET
Feb 14 Mercury in Pisces 7:07am ET
Feb 18 Sun in Pisces
Feb 23 Mars stations direct in Cancer
Feb 27 New Moon in Pisces
Get a 50% off Sale reading to make the most of the energies of 2025!
Wow! We have a lot of opportunity for expansion and personal growth this month. I just keep hearing clairaudiently are you readddyyyyy to rumbleee?! If you answered yes then see me for a 50% off reading TODAY!
All I have to say about change and growth is that the fear of stretching beyond my perceived limits is officially smaller than my fear of things staying the same because quite frankly the way things have been lately just plain sucks, can I get an amen?
On February 4th , Venus enters Aries as Jupiter goes direct in Gemini. Oompf! We’re likely to place our own desires above the perceived needs of those we are close to. This can create conflict unless you expand your ability to communicate why this is necessary for you.
This full moon in Leo on February 12th has me thinking of Sekhmet the powerful lion headed Goddess of healing. What is putting seeking to diminish your brightest light? Do you get taken advantage of every time you attempt to shine brightly? This could be a boundaries issue on your part. Call on Sekhmet this full moon to put a stop to anything that leaves you feeling powerless.
On February 14—IT IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I’ll be 53 years old. That’s a lot of wisdom ya’ll! I think it’s interesting that on 2/14 at 7:07am ET , mercury goes into Pisces. Seems like we’ve got some lucky numbers here. Mercury in Pisces is going to ask us to see what’s fantasy and what’s reality. We’ll most likely be given challenges that can only be solved by following our intuition rather than logic.
I will update this page again as we get closer:
Feb 18 Sun in Pisces
Feb 23 Mars stations direct in Cancer
Feb 27 New Moon in Pisces